I've started to adore following .... pathless paths. .... considering all ... part of my evolution. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I've been involved in many things during my lifetime.

I agreed.

Or ... disagreed ... with the Universe related with this subject.

Today .... I look back in time and i understand ... it all makes sense.

Helped me ... somehow ... to evolve.

Year .... by year ... it was better and better... even if it looked worst and worst.

Of course ... every time … all looked like ... a pathless path.

Some of those journeys ... I've enjoyed.

Some ... i've hated.

Some ... i've considered ... useless.

But ... all those stories ... represents ... the chapters of my life.

Having ... a clear purpose ... even if i didn't saw it ... or even considered everything a total nonsense.



So ... again and again ... new episodes.

Or ... even longer illusory stories.

Meeting new people.

Having problems.

Seeing i am hopeless ... or useless.

Believing into the drama of life.

Being into the end under the domination of ... illusory traumas.

But ... still writing.

My feelings.

My thoughts.

My emotions.

Continuing my journey.

Continuing ... to exist.

Understanding ... and accepting that even if all looks like a pathless path ... and i always become aware of it sooner or later ... i can allow myself to... enjoy all.

And my life ... obviously being reflected into my writings ... became a collection of stories ... about the pathless paths which i was always following.

But ... my perceptions changed.

All those so called pathetic pathless paths ... were a necessity.


Sounds again ... like another nonsense ... but ... it's not ...

So ... that is why today ... i am not afraid or ashamed anymore ... to have any type of experience.

And ... hearing my intuition ... listening to what the Universe is whispering to me ... i smile ... saying ... "Yes ... i want



to follow ... any illusory ... journey."

Cause ... i need it.

I need to understand ... life.

To see ... what is beyond the illusion of it.

And ... all continues.

I look ... idiotic ... pathetic ... but i enjoy my journey ... to nowhere.




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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